What happens if I become pregnant if your office doesn't accept new OB or pregnant patients?

Great question! 

Our office has a focus on gynecologic services only as well as hormonal management and infertility issues so we often see patients prior to a pregnancy.  If you were to get pregnant typically our office will do a pregnancy confirmation visit with you to confirm your pregnancy, assess your risk factors and birth plan needs and then refer you to an obstetrician to be your primary provider through the course of your pregnancy.

Because our office offers functional and restorative post partum programs many of our patients return in the postpartum period while still seeing their delivering obstetrician to jump start their bodies recovery.  This also ensures that any nutrient deficiencies or hormonal imbalances that may be new in the post partum period are fully addressed from a functional or integrative perspective.  At times our office can also work with your obstetrician during your pregnancy however in this case we would only provide services from a holistic, functional and integrative perspective not as an OB provider.

 If you are a new patient you would need to do an initial virtual consultation visit with the doctor to establish care.  To schedule that consultation you may see our real time availability and pick a time/date that works for you here.


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