Office Communication
- Office Communication Policy
- I have a complaint about my visit
- How to cancel and/or reschedule an appointment
- What is the quickest way to get help?
- I need to speak with the doctor
- I have questions about my lab or imaging results
- Wait Time For Appointment
- When will someone return my call?
- How will our office communicate with you as a patient?
- Do I have to register for the patient portal?
- Received confirmation email or cancellation email for appointment I did not schedule
- When will my message be reviewed if I submit a case on my patient portal or through the support desk?
- I need to talk on the phone to the doctor or I need the doctor to call me
- How much notice do I need to give the office if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?
- How soon can I expect a response if I place a question on the online portal?
- I'm getting too many messages. Can I change my notification settings myself?